Rainouts and Game Changes: Policies and Procedures
There are instances when games will need to be cancelled or changes to games occur and in those instances we must follow a strict protocol and guideline to ensure that all people know of these changes and/or cancellations. Communication is key as many people are affected by one change. See below for the procedure required in the event a game needs to be changed or cancelled...please ensure you follow each step so that no one is left out.
1. Call Coach of other team by 4 pm on the day of the game in the event of a rain-out and at least 72 hours prior in the event of changes.
2. Email Umpire Coordinator/Umpire in Chief - Mark Luknowsky chilliwackumps2016@gmail.com or TEXT (better) 604 845 1199. Please provide the details of the game (Division, Team #, date/time of game, field as well). Email AND call/text BY 4:00pm (evening games) AND AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO GAME TIME (morning/afternoon games - for 9:00am games please text Mark first) on the day of the game for rain-outs and at least 72 hours prior in the event of changes. These are minimum limits and the more notice the better.
3. Email Concession on the day of the game for cancellations- as early as possible. Contact Loreal Hall at meigrad94@yahoo.ca
4. Notify Your Team.
5. Email Field Director Kaitlin Wicentowich- cmba.bookings@gmail.com
****In the event that teams fail to give notice in a timely manner, teams may be held responsible to cover the costs of the Umpires****